Belgica (Fa)

Belgica (Fa)

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  • Composer: Wouter Vercruysse
  • Instrumentation: Fanfare Band
  • Grade: 3
  • Duration: 7'45''
  • Item number: BVT249

Belgica tells the story of one of the most fascinating Antarctic expeditions during the late 19th century. The crew , including Roald Amundsen, were the first to spend the winter at the South Pole.

Even before the expedition effectively reached Antarctica, they lost a crew member during a storm. Once in Antarctica, the boat got stuck in the ice. It would be another 13 long months before, after digging a channel, the crew could free the boat and begin the journey to freedom.

Grade: Moderate

Composer: Wouter Vercruysse

Style: Original & concertworks

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